At the end of this week, we know you are looking forward to a fabulous picnic, party or barbecue with friends and family.

The famous Memorial Week-end is the traditional opening for the official season of summer in Florida and across theMemorial Day Stroll in Florida!  USA.  Families are planning sunny three-day get-aways at our gorgeous Florida lakes, beaches and parks.

For this week’s blog, Palm State Mortgage Company departs from its regular financial topics of mortgages, real estate, and home ownership.  Instead, we use these words to honor those men and woman who valiantly defended our country to their last breath.  We salute Memorial Day!

Memorial Day Fun for Families

Everywhere in the United States, the holiday instigates backyard parties for friends and families.  People have cleaned up their boats and loaded up their grills.  Palm State Mortgage Company believes these are wonderful activities as we initiate the summer spirit of 2016.

We also believe that we must not lose sight of the true intention of the holiday.

Memorial Day:  The Real Meaning

Originally called “Decoration Day,” this is traditionally the day that America honors the graves of the soldiers that died for the American way of life.  Flags and Flowers will be placed on many soldiers’ graves.  The president or the vice president will place a wreath of flowers on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.Memorial Day Greetings from Palm State Mortgage

In fact, according to Time Magazine, the U.S. Army 3rd Infantry will be spending three hours putting flags on 260,000 graves and 7300 niches at the Arlington Cemetery.  In the honor of the brave and fallen warriors, we hope you will take a moment from the fun of the holiday to remember those men and women we lost.

For a moment of Memorial Day meditation, we present an inspiring quotation from a Memorial Day Speech made by President Ronald Reagan at Arlington Cemetery, May 31st, 1982:

“Words are even more feeble on this Memorial Day, for the sight before us is that of a strong and good nation that stands in silence and remembers those who were loved and who, in return, loved their countrymen enough to die for them.

Yet, we must try to honor them—not for their sakes alone, but for our own.  And if words cannot repay the debt we owe these men, surely with our actions we must strive to keep faith with them and with the vision that led them to battle and to final sacrifice.”

Memorial Day:  Our Salute

So, here at Palm State Mortgage Company, we dedicate  the week and this blog to the Memorial Day, to honor the fallen heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.

There are ceremonies and parades in many U.S.A. communities, designed to honor to the members of the Americans Armed Forces who gave their lives for the American way of life.

Let us vow to pause in the three-day celebration of our lives, to recognize their deaths.

Let us steal a moment from the first fun of the summer, and put a flower on a hero’s grave.

Memorial Day:  How To Celebrate Memorial Day

Some of the ways we will commemorate the heroes on this holiday include:Palm State Mortgage Company thanks the soldiers of the U.S.

1.  Watch an inspiring War Movie or just about any John Wayne movie, if you haven’t seen one lately! (…or even if you have…)

2.  Make a point to give a heart-felt greeting and perhaps gratitude to someone whose military family member or friend has served in the armed forces and given his life for his country.

3.  Before you eat the wonderful summer foods of like hot dogs, hamburgers, potato salad, and homemade apple pie, would it be possible to suggest a moment of silence or a short prayer for fallen heroes before the feast?

The the owners and staff of Palm State Mortgage Company wish you a happy, safe and heart-felt Memorial Day.