Thinking about buying a home here in Orlando, but worried about the rising interest rates. The fact is, buying a home is still a great investment with a high return on investment. Renting means you are putting money and equity into someone else’s pocket. Especially, when rents have skyrocketed. Rents are now typically more than a mortgage payment

It’s Time!  It’s your time to buy a house!  If you have been thinking about making the move from renting to buying, this just might be the perfect time to become a homeowner!

Purchase Costs

These are the costs you sustain when you go to “closing.” for the home you are purchasing. These will includes your down payment and your closing costs.

 Yearly Costs

These costs are incurred monthly or include some yearly expenses. These would include, mortgage payments, condo fees, neighborhood community living fees, renovation costs, maintenance costs, property taxes and homeowner’s insurance.

Lost Opportunity Costs

The equity you build up in your home is yours, Which means when you sell your home, you will get a hefty check with the money you made!  Owning a home continues to be one of the best investments you can make!

The thought of buying a home can easily be overwhelming. Between the changing economy, opinion of others, and social media, where should you turn to for guidance and accurate advice?

There are many options when it comes to home mortgages. To determine the right mortgage for you, contact the professionals for guidance from Palm State Mortgage.

We will carefully explain the pros and cons of each type of mortgage offered, including adjustable rate loans, fixed rate loans, jumbo loans, negative amortization loans and interest only loans to help you weigh your options

Choose a mortgage company who has your best interest at heart.

At Palm State Mortgage we put our clients over profit. We believe in building relationships that will outlast any loan. We make sure you feel confident every step of the way.